Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

secrets of the elephant's trunk


Elephants are the largest land animal on earth. Their giant-sized body almost as big as the one-story house. The weight of an elephant weighs about 50 people equal. Age elephants usually reach 70 years.

Generally, elephants live in groups by the number of members of the 30 tails. A female elephant watching his flock, and others are working together carried out the orders of the leader. In this herd there are always strict discipline and leadership levels.

Eat the Rooster
An elephant spends 225 pounds of food per day. Means, a herd of 30 elephant tails to spend about 7000 pounds of food per day. For this big animal, living under the sun stings are a serious threat. To avoid feeling thirsty, they must find the source of water every day. For that, they were able to walk as far as 50 miles without isitirahat, traveled for 3 days without water. Similarly, their bodies have been created perfectly and taking into account the various calculations very carefully so that they can survive in their environment

There's no finger, Trunk Pun So
Trunk is the most precious treasure for the elephants. He was able to perform several different functions. In the 1700s, scientists believed that the elephant's trunk is made up of one muscle alone. However, modern research and then deny it.
Constituent muscles of the human body numbering about 639 pieces, while in the elephant's trunk amounted to tens of thousands. This muscle resembles a circle that overlap one on top of another to allow elephants move very freely.

Trunk is composed of two major muscle groups. Continuous muscle diagonally allows the trunk to bend and rotate in any direction. This allows the trunk muscle group functions like a lever. He was able to lift heavy loads. Other muscle groups allows the elephant to do the most complicated jobs with super-sophisticated control systems.

Trunk section is as skilled as the human fingers. Elephant's trunk is not just the nose. He is everything. When the trunk injury, an elephant will die within a short time.

Proponents of the theory of evolution claims, distinguishing features in animals are formed by itself, little by little, gradually without deliberate design. However, a complex design on the elephant's trunk can function only if hundreds of thousands of muscle exist simultaneously and working together as well. For example, if one group of muscles is absent, then the elephant would not be able to move the trunk and will soon die. However, elephants have been using their trunks well since millions of years ago.

Perfect design without disabilities in the elephant's body once again proves to us, God who has created all living things.

Wearing elephant was 'Shoes'
Elephant weighs 5 tons more. Although very heavy, they walked with a light and comfortable. All of this happened because of a special design on the body of an elephant. If only they were slightly larger size, then their feet would not be able to sustain it. But elephants have legs that is truly a miracle design. Thus, although the elephant's body is very heavy, they run with very mild.

Thick pads of spongy tissue, which grows as a layer on the bottom of each elephant's foot, absorb shocks weight. This cushioning layer spreading pressure effects imposed elephant to the ground. That allowed his feet with ease. Thanks to these pads, elephants are able to walk long distances while his body was very heavy. According to the laws of physics, a woman's high heel shoes will give greater pressure on the soil surface rather than an elephant's foot.

The theory of evolution claims that living beings evolved to be the perfect shape as it is now. If this theory is correct, then the elephant that does not have this spongy tissue in his legs would not be able to walk since the day they came into the world, and therefore will die of hunger and thirst.

This does not happen, because since the beginning of the elephant has indeed dicptakan in its complete and perfect, without the slightest deficiency. This all shows us on one important fact: the elephant is a testament to the perfection of the creation of the Almighty, the Knower. He is Allah, the Creator of all things.
His body was big, no speech sounds
Scientists have long studied elephant communication system. Research has shown, they communicate using infrasonic sounds inaudible to the human ear. Allow infrasonic elephant speaking voice using a special language with other elephants separated as far as 4 km. In addition, scientists have found 30 different types of elephant calls.

Infrasonic signal is formed when a large mass of moving as the eruption of the volcano. This is similar to the sound that can only be felt. Infrasonic sound is very strong, but including low-frequency waves. Humans can hear only with the help of a special recording device. Initially, the animals are believed to be capable of producing sound is just kind of whale, the largest sea creatures. But now we know, elephants are also used in the same way to communicate among themselves.

According to scientists, in good weather, elephants are able to hear the call within 10 km with waves of infrasound. This amazing ability we will reveal the existence of a communications network that spans a very wide area. This particular communication device is a wonderful skill that God created for the elephants.

The main advantage lies in the infrasonic wave rambatannya. High frequency sound with short wave will lose its strength in a short time. However, infrasonic sound waves have very long so it takes longer to weaken. Therefore, elephants are able to regulate the movement of the flock scattered as far as several kilometers.

In case of danger, the elephant has another unique way to communicate. For example, when meeting their rhino stomped hard into the ground so as to produce vibrations that warn other members of the herd. In this way, they can take reasonable precautions to save their members before danger occurs.

Special expertise in living things is proof that God has created them. This truth is stated in the Qur'an, "And in your creation and the creeping animals are scattered (on earth) are Signs (the power of God) to people who believe." (Surah Al Jaatsiyah [45]: 4)

Every new thing about the elephant showed the same truth: the largest land animal on earth, along with special features, has been created by God, God Almighty!

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